Sto. Nino of Cebu

Cebu's tradition of doing the street dancing every year in the 3rd week Sunday of January is rooted from the Senor Sto. Nino image of child Jesus. This street dancing tradition is called Sinulog which means "like water current movement". It has been said that the reason behind Cebu's safety against natural calamities is the child Jesus Senor Sto. Nino. History of the miraculous image can be further viewed in this link : The picture below is the inside of the Basilica Minore del Santo Nino which is a 16th century church in Cebu City Philippines. This is the Basilica itself where people will crowd to say prayers and petitions usually in Tuesdays and Fridays and specially during Sinulog day itself . Below is the Magellan's Cross way back in 1521. ..... and the most important thing is the image of the child Jesus Senor Santo Nino.... Senor Santo Nino.... a miraculous image of Cebu.... Thank ...